Frequent questions


Place an order:
Once registered, is it mandatory to place an order?
No, it is not mandatory to place an order but you can access our site at any time and will always be updated on all the offers and products on the market.
Once registered will I be bombarded with spam and advertising?
No, you will only be sent promotions relating to the site for which you registered or of interest to you and at any time you can remain registered but no longer receive emails by deselecting the newsletter subscription only within your account.
Can I give a gift card?
Of course, it's easy and convenient, within the site you will always find the Gift Card section, just purchase one of the vouchers you will find inside. The person who will receive. the voucher will simply have to be sent an email or call our staff and choose the desired products, in the case of spending more than the voucher the difference will be paid directly to the courier without additional costs.

Payment methods:
If I choose to pay by credit card, will my transaction be secure?
Of course, for years now we have relied on PayPal or the major bank credit circuits Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Visa Electron and Maestro for online transactions.
What is PayPal?
PayPal, the world's leading online payments company, allows shoppers and businesses to send and receive payments online. PayPal boasts over 100 million accounts in 190 countries and territories and is accepted by merchants around the world.
Where do I find the security code for my credit card?
The security code of your credit card can be found on the back of the card at the top right and is made up of 3 numbers.
Do I have to give you my credit card details to make the payment?
Absolutely not, and this applies to all e-commerce sites and in general also to any other nature. The data is personal and secret, you will have to enter them when you choose to pay by credit card. Your data will be processed by your credit card manager via our banking circuit in a secure manner and in full compliance with privacy regulations.
If I use a credit card or PayPal, how do I know if the payment has been made?
When you complete the payment you will receive a confirmation email from PayPal or our bank.
When I place my order and I get an error message that there was a problem authorizing my card, what went wrong?
You can check your credit card number and the expiration date on the card again. We remind you that we accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express.
When I place an order and an error message appears indicating that an authorization was not accepted, what went wrong?
It often happens that the bank blocks your credit card for security and temporarily to make sure that you are really the person who is trying to make the purchase and order on our site.
This happens for various reasons including: not usually purchasing online, having placed many online orders on different sites in a short time or if the card is new. For any information we recommend you call your bank.

Cancel an order or make a change:
How can I cancel an order?
To cancel an order, the customer must send an email as soon as possible to, requesting cancellation of the order with reference to the order number.
In some cases it may happen that the order is already in place. was shipped and is no longer. possible to cancel it. In this case, upon receiving the package, the customer must refuse the package and ask for its return to the sender. Once returned to our warehouses and the necessary checks have been carried out, a refund will be issued using the method chosen when ordering, but the costs incurred for shipping and the value of personalized or tailor-made items will not be reimbursed.
How can I add material or change products?
To add material or change a product, an email must be sent requesting the change with specification of the order number and specification of the product and its related code, this to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings. In some cases it may happen that the order has already been shipped and it is no longer possible to cancel it. In this case, upon receiving the package, the customer must refuse the package and ask for its return to the sender.
Once returned to our warehouses and the necessary checks have been carried out, the requested exchange will be carried out with the charge for the return of the shipment and the new shipment. In the event that the customer requests a refund and cancellation, the costs incurred for shipping and cancellation will not be reimbursed. the value of all bespoke or personalized items.

Returns and exchange of goods:
The package arrived is broken: what to do?
Before accepting the package, always check the integrity of the packaging.
Any damage or tampering with the packaging must be immediately reported to the person carrying out the delivery by placing the words "I ACCEPT WITH RESERVE" on the delivery note before signing and in the case of damage to the product itself, describing its nature in detail, after having opened the packaging of the goods in the presence of the delivery person.
The goods inside the package are damaged, what to do?
Open a return procedure using the specific "Quick Return" guide.
What does the warranty for the purchased product include?
The warranty does not include normal wear and tear but only manufacturing defects.
How can I verify that your store is an official reseller of my product brand?
By going directly to the manufacturer's website under authorized resellers.
If I have the wrong size and I need to exchange what can I do?
Open a return procedure using the specific "Quick Return" guide.
Is the courier to send the package back and to receive the new one at my expense?
Yes, it's your responsibility.
Why is it better to use your courier for a replacement?
Because we have an agreement and for this reason we have discounted prices.
Is the package you collected guaranteed by you for return?
No, the guarantee of receipt and arrival at our warehouses is your responsibility and you have no insurance coverage in case of theft or loss.
If the goods are defective, what should I do?
You must contact us by email at reporting the problem and specifying your email and order number, our staff will respond to you on how to proceed in this regard.
How should I prepare the package for your collection?
You must close the package and seal it well, taking care to protect any delicate parts, then we will take care of sending our courier to collect it. Once the goods have returned to our warehouses and we have carried out the necessary checks, our staff will contact you.

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